ChildSafe Information
Reports & Videos
Panna's parents are migrant construction workers. He has an older sibling who is also a laborer. Together, the family moves from city to city, obtaining temporary work as unskilled laborers….please click here read more
Pisey*, born in 2006, is the oldest of two children in his family. They grew up poor, the family living all together in a small, one-room rental. Pisey’s father works as a moto-taxi driver and his mother sells home-made food items… please click here read more
'Futures', M'Lop Tapang's employment program, provides a variety of programs to assist people in finding and retaining safe,…please click here read more
M'Lop Tapang believes that extracurricular activities, like sports and arts, can play an important part in children's overall development by encouraging physical health, mental well-being, social skills, creativity, and academic success… please click here read more
M’Lop Tapang believes that we can all make an effort to take care of our environment. This video shows some of the ways our staff and the children we work with try to help.
Children and youth with disabilities are among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, particularly in low and middle-income countries such as Cambodia. They and their families are frequently …please click here—> M’Lop Tapang’s Special Needs Program: Parent’s Perspective Survey (December 2023)
'Phum Sam Bram' (Village 35) is a Sihanoukville slum neighborhood near the deep-sea port and train station. M'Lop Tapang established our Community Education Center in …please click here—> M’Lop Tapang’s Community Education Center Baby Care Program: Parent’s Perspective Survey (December 2023)
For vulnerable and at-risk persons, safe and secure employment can lead to more dignified, independent, and productive lives. …please click here—> Vocational Training Students Chart Review
M’Lop Tapang’s Outreach Team works directly in the local community with children and families where they live…please click here—> Program Snapshot: Outreach Team Working with Families at Construction Sites
30-year-old Sreymom* is the mother of four young children; 2 girls, ages 10 and 2, and 2 boys, ages 7 and 5. Her husband, the children’s father, is currently in prison serving a 3-year sentence for non-violent crimes… please click here —> M'Lop Tapang case study (June 2023)
As part of our Outreach program, for many years our teams have been helping vulnerable families to set up small income-generating businesses. Click me to Download
“It is very important to have good youth representatives because they are a group who can report and advocate to help children if we see something wrong or any violence or abuse towards children.” - Sovann*, Student Representative
A summary of three surveys that looks at the mitigating work of M’Lop Tapang during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
An ongoing series of videos produced by the children and staff of M’Lop Tapang to highlight the need for environmental awareness and action.
M’Lop Tapang (MT) Parents’ Points of View: The Impact of Special Needs Program Closures Due to COVID-19 (May, 2021)
Impact of Emergency Food Distribution During Covid-19 Pandemic A Survey by M’Lop Tapang (October, 2020)
M’Lop Tapang’s Medical Program Internal Research to Measure Impact of Providing Free Medical Care (2018)
Annual Report Archive